Friday, January 1, 2010

Once in a Blue Moon

I've always hated New Years Eve. High expectations have always resulted in dismal results. Not to mention the crowds are large, traffic is terrible and food/beverage establishments seem to offer up their "special priced" menus just for the night. So for the last several years, I've just opted to stay home with a good movie and pair of flannel pajamas.

But at about 10pm on December 31, 2009, I had this wild-hair-in-the-ass-crazy-idea that it would be fun to go take pictures of Seattle, the fireworks at the Space Needle and this crazy Blue Moon phenomenon that apparently rarely happens (especially on New Year's Eve). It was destiny, right? I had no choice but to just follow my instinct and see where it wanted to take me!

So I packed up all my crap and headed out to Seattle. I was a little nervous at first venturing out to the dark Seattle streets... alone... with a fairly expensive camera. Those images of getting mugged are always so pleasant. And yes, I do everything alone nowadays. I'm at the age where all my friends are married with kids. It has become a "be comfortable spending time with yourself or die" situation. For the most part, I'm totally comfortable hangin' with just me. There's a lot of peace to be had in that relationship. :)

So I get to this really great spot on Alki, which overlooks the city, and walk along the waterfront looking for the perfect spot to set up my tripod. Not that there's really a perfect spot or anything... it just gives the appearance to others that you actually know what you're doing. And I... had absolutely no clue what I was doing. I had never taken pictures of a city at night before. In fact, I'd never even used my tripod before. On top of that, I've never even read the instruction booklet on my camera before... so I had no idea what any of the buttons did or didn't do.

I took a ton of shots purely out of experimentation. It was through this experimentation process that I learned ferries are not nearly as fun to pan as sprint cars are. In any case, I slowly started to figure out which settings were better than others to get the shots I desired.

As the clocked ticked closer to midnight, more and more people started to arrive for the view. It's kinda fun being the loner with the camera... 'cause you're the one people ask to take their picture in front of the cityscape. I was the person that took that ONE picture a couple would have of their night together where BOTH of 'em were in the same picture. :)

So I had my camera set up and aimed at the Space Needle, ready for the fireworks... when in the most classic Seattle sort of way... it starts to pour at 11:30pm. I can't even see the Space Needle through the rain. F-My-Life.

It's funny though, as I was standing there under my umbrella looking at city lights barely illuminating through a hazy curtain of gray... I just smiled. I had forced myself out of my pajamas and dragged myself into the night to get a picture I now wasn't going to be able to shoot. Not to mention this Blue Moon people spoke of was hidden up in the sky somewhere behind the clouds. That's my destiny at it's finest.

Shivering cold and soaked to the bone, I just continued to smile. It was like I had a giggle in my heart. I thought to myself, "Maybe destiny isn't always in plain site. Maybe it's there waiting behind a curtain of darkness. Maybe your chances for greatness are only offered to you once in a Blue Moon. Whatever the case may be, maybe it's best to act on intuition and instinct... 'cause destiny calls to you in a way your five senses can't "see." And maybe it's that instinct/intuition that has you aimed and focused towards the darkness where there appears to be nothing. 'Cause maybe... just maybe... your once in a Blue Moon opportunity is there waiting for you in the darkness. Just because you can't see the moon in the sky... it doesn't mean it's not there."

At 11:55pm... like magic... the sky opened up... the moon peaked through the clouds... and the Space Needle became clear as can be.

"Aim, focus, and keep shooting till life gives you the image you want." ~Stacy Verrall

I think 2010 is gonna be a good year. Happy New Year everyone!

The Space Needle at 11:30pm:

The Space Needle at Midnight:

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2010 Pit Princess. When we were watching the New Year being brought in at the Space Needle I thought you wouldn't have missed it. Great photos and I hope all your dreams come true.
